Linhay Hill Quarry


Working as part of a large multi-disciplinary team, Woodfield Ecology has provided ecological support for proposals for a major extension of this limestone quarry near Ashburton which is operated by E & JW Glendinning Ltd.

The existing quarry, which is located within Dartmoor National Park, is expected to remain economically viable until c. 2025 and the proposed extension is therefore to extend the life of Linhay Hill Quarry and secure the local economic benefits and jobs it creates.

Our role has included undertaking and co-ordinating baseline surveys for a wide range of protected species, detailed mitigation and design inputs, consultation with stakeholders and regulators and preparation of a wide range of assessments / reports including EcIA, HRA, long-term quarry restoration plans and CEMPs.

Dunsland Cross Wind Farm


Woodfield Ecology was commissioned by Natural Power to carry out operational bat monitoring of the Dunsland Cross Windfarm at Brandis Corner, near Holsworthy. Three c.100m tall Senvion 2.05MW turbines began generating electricity on the site in spring 2017.

To fulfil planning obligations and inform the need for any changes to the curtailment strategy, Woodfield Ecology carried out a suite of bat surveys across each season during the active period for bats.

This comprised of ground level automated bat detector surveys at the base of each turbine, manual bat detector surveys (walked transects using broad spectrum bat detectors fitted with gps loggers) and carcass searching within a 120m x 120m square search area centred on each turbine tower.


Rilla Mill Retreat Centre


This former Grade II-listed Methodist chapel has been sensitively restored by its new owners to create a retreat centre with accommodation and conference facilities.

Woodfield Ecology completed bat surveys which identified the presence of a Brown Long-eared maternity roost, as well as smaller non-breeding roosts for common and soprano pipistrelles.

A Natural England bat mitigation licence was obtained for the restoration works necessary to bring this building back into use, including soft-stripping of roosting features and bat capture / temporary relocation during works to the loft space.

Clatworthy Reservoir


Wessex Water are undertaking monitoring of grassland vegetation at Clatworthy reservoir in the Brendon Hills, Somerset in order to consider any changes in vegetation structure and composition as a result of management practices.


This information is being used to help guide future management of grassland in the immediate catchment area with the aim of maximising its floristic diversity and biodiversity value.

On behalf of Biocensus, Woodfield Ecology carried out detailed botanical surveys in a total of 13 trial areas using a series of nested quadrats to record the presence and estimate cover of forbs, grasses, bracken and bare ground. We also provided summary analysis and interpretation of the findings to guide future monitoring and management.


Corporation Wharf


Corporation Wharf on the River Plym has recently been developed to provide a dedicated bulk cement storage and distribution terminal in Plymouth.

The facility, which is operated by Victoria Group, consists of six storage silos with a combined capacity of 12,000 tonnes of cement, brought in by 30-35 shipping movements each year.

Woodfield Ecology carried out an Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey of the site which included a former boat yard and a section of the disused Cattedown freight railway. Subsequently, bat surveys were recommended which revealed the importance of the wharf edge and former railway line as a flight route for lesser horseshoe bats. In close consultation with the Natural Infrastructure team at Plymouth City Council and the project engineer, Woodfield Ecology devised a mitigation strategy to protect and enhance the bat flight route through screening, hedgerow creation and a sensitive lighting strategy.

We also provided detailed inputs to a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) which included recommendations to safeguard against any impacts on the marine environment during construction.


Coombe Way


This allocated greenfield site is located on the southern edge of Kings Tamerton, Plymouth. Working with AJM Building Design Ltd., Woodfield Ecology is assisting with proposals for a mixed development of high quality Passivhaus homes and self-build plots to be delivered in conjunction with Plymouth City Council.

Woodfield Ecology completed a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of the site and based on the findings, carried out further surveys for reptiles and bats.

Given the ecological constraints associated with the site, we also prepared an Ecological Mitigation & Enhancement Strategy (EMES) including a reptile translocation strategy and provided detailed inputs into the scheme design to ensure key impacts were mitigated and a net gain secured for biodiversity overall.




tel: 07780 832853

Woodfield, Merrymeet, Liskeard, Cornwall  PL14 3LS


Copyright © Woodfield Ecology 2019.