• Phase 1 & Extended Phase 1 habitat surveys
  • National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys and other detailed botanical surveys
  • Invasive plant surveys
  • Badger surveys
  • Bat surveys and bat call analysis for large datasets
  • Dormouse surveys
  • Great crested newt surveys
  • Otter surveys
  • Reptile surveys
  • Water vole surveys
  • Surveys for other notable fauna including brown hares, harvest mouse and hedgehog.

Ecological Survey


Woodfield Ecology is experienced and appropriately licenced to provide a wide range of biodiversity surveys covering habitat, botanical and faunal (including European Protected Species) surveys.


Through our network of trusted associates and specialists we are also able to co-ordinate a range of additional surveys including detailed bird and invertebrate surveys. This ensures that all survey work is carried out by experts in their field, with reliable and sound advice provided to avoid the risk of delays to your planning programme.



These range from Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA), Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA), biodiversity impact/offsetting assessments and other construction/sustainability assessments (e.g. BREEAM/Building with Nature).

Through strong communication and client liaison we aim to feed the findings of our survey work into the project design as a scheme progresses. This iterative process ensures relevant wildlife issues are addressed in the project planning stages, minimising the risk of design conflict, delays and additional cost further down the line.



Ecological Assessment


We pride ourselves in the quality of our analysis and reporting and produce a wide range of ‘reader-friendly’ ecological appraisals.


We work with a variety of software packages (including QGIS and AutoCAD) to enable to us to present ecological data effectively and collaborate with others.

We use spreadsheets and GIS to compile and manage ecological data sets and produce clear data visualisations. When necessary we are capable of undertaking more detailed statistical analysis using R Studio.




GIS, Data Management & Analysis


Woodfield Ecology is able to provide statistical and spatial analysis of ecological data and produce accurate digital mapping to clearly illustrate our findings within reports.


We work closely with our clients to offer pragmatic, affordable and practical solutions for mitigation, management and enhancement strategies.



We have a good working knowledge of the wildlife licensing procedures and have held Natural England mitigation licences for badgers, bats and dormice and conducted large-scale reptile and amphibian translocations. Woodfield Ecology has also assisted with the design of and overseen creation, restoration and translocation works for a range of habitats including hedgerows, lowland heathland, grasslands, woodlands, wetlands and green roofs.

We have experience of producing or providing input to a variety of report types including:

  • Ecological Mitigation & Enhancement Strategies (EMES)
  • Biodiversity Mitigation Plans (BMP)
  • Landscape & Ecological Management Plans (LEMPS)
  • Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)

We are registered under the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) and regularly work on the ground with construction managers and their teams, providing tool-box talks and Ecological Clerk of Work (ECoW) services.

Mitigation, Management & Enhancements




tel: 07780 832853

Woodfield, Merrymeet, Liskeard, Cornwall  PL14 3LS


Copyright © Woodfield Ecology 2019.